
Детские песни на английском языке о весне со словами (Kids songs about spring with lyrics)

все песни со словами
Вот люблю я собирать детские песни на английском языке в сети, просто люблю (хотя сама - певица, мягко говоря, посредственная). И статей с ними у меня в блоге уже собралось немало. Не могу сказать, что они дают блогу большой трафик, но многим нравятся. Да и сама я часто пользуюсь ими в работе и просто слушаю их со своей внучкой Алей, Она еще маленькая, но такие песенки, как What does the Fox say? или My dog Ben может по несколько раз слушать и уморительно подпевать. А песни канала издательства Оксфорд мы слушаем и поем еще чуть ли не с года.

С приходом весны всегда ждешь каких-то перемен, настроение само собой становится приподнятым, а хорошая песня всегда сделает его еще лучше любому взрослому, а уж ребенку тем более. Надеюсь, что моя подборка песен о весне вам понравится и будет полезной вашим детям.
Кроме этого я рекомендую  прочитать статью об английских устойчивых выражениях со словом spring.

       Spring is Here                      


Spring is here, spring is here,
Spring is here, spring is here,
Spring is here, spring is here,
Spring is here, spring is finally here.
Snow and ice no longer there,
Leaves are finally turning green,
That's why it's time to sing
Spring is here, spring is here,
Spring is here, spring is here,
Spring is here, spring is here,
Spring is here, spring is finally here.

Spring Song


The birds are singing
'Cause Spring is springing
The bees are out to pollinate
The flowers are blooming
The grass needs grooming
The pouring rain helps to irrigate

Plants and trees are growing
Producing shoots and leaves
Pollen's in the air
And it makes me sneeze

The frogs are leaping
The bears aren't sleeping
The birds build nests and they
Lay their eggs

The ants are crawling
The geese are calling
It's time for animals to
Stretch their legs

This is the season
When colors come alive
Red and blue, green and yellow
Springtime has arrived!

The kids are playing
They're celebrating
It's warmer out now that
Spring is here

They're all out singing
'Cause Spring is springing
It's nature's magical time of year
It's nature's magical time of year!

Spring is in the Air

Spring is in the air
The flowers start to bloom
The blossoms on the trees
Fill the air with sweet perfume
Spring is in the air
Spring is everywhere
It's growin' in the trees
It's the blossoms and the bees
Spring is in the air
I know it's very near
It warms me to the heart
It just fills the atmosphere
Spring is in the air
Spring is everywhere
It's growin' in the trees
It's the flowers and the bees
Spring is in the air
Spring is everywhere

Spring is Here

Spring is here.
Spring is here.
How do you think I know?
I just saw a bluebird.
That is how I know.
Spring is here.
Spring is here.
How do you think we know?
We just saw a bluebird that is how we know.
Do the bird walk and strut your thing.
Do the bird walk and flap your wings.
Do the bird walk do anything and look around for another sign of spring.

Sing verses changing underlined words to bee, ladybug, butterfly, frog (use jump instead of walk).

3 комментария:

  1. Замечательные песни, жаль только выбор небольшой

  2. Да, песен не так уж и много, но это все, что я могла найти.

  3. Спасибо. Я скачала именно эту песенку!


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