Let's read a humorous poem by John Foster about teachers and learn some new vocabulary. Then you can watch a funny video on the topic.
Teachers! Teachers!
They’re the strangest creatures.
Miss Twitch is a warty witch.
Mr Bryant is a bone-crunching giant.
Miss Blake is a poisonous snake
And Mrs Abercrombie is a crazy zombie.
Mr Bryant is a bone-crunching giant.
Miss Blake is a poisonous snake
And Mrs Abercrombie is a crazy zombie.
Teachers! Teachers!
They’re the strangest creatures.
They’re the strangest creatures.
Mr Gizzard is a wicked wizard
Miss O’Toole is a gruesome ghoul.
Mrs Benneton is a bony skeleton.
And Mrs Abercrombie is a crazy zombie.
Miss O’Toole is a gruesome ghoul.
Mrs Benneton is a bony skeleton.
And Mrs Abercrombie is a crazy zombie.
Teachers! Teachers!
They’re the strangest creatures.
They’re the strangest creatures.
Mr Sweaty is a hairy yeti.
Mrs Flagon is a fire-breathing dragon.
Mr Duke is a grisly spook
And Mrs Abercrombie is a crazy zombie.
Mrs Flagon is a fire-breathing dragon.
Mr Duke is a grisly spook
And Mrs Abercrombie is a crazy zombie.
Teachers! Teachers!
They’re the strangest creatures.
They’re the strangest creatures.
Mr Cape is a ginormous ape.
Miss Spatula has fangs like Dracula
Mr Knoll is a fearsome troll
And Mrs Abercrombie is a crazy zombie.
Miss Spatula has fangs like Dracula
Mr Knoll is a fearsome troll
And Mrs Abercrombie is a crazy zombie.
Teachers! Teachers!
They’re the strangest creatures.
They’re the strangest creatures.
Miss O’Keith has bloodstained teeth.
Mr Yoga is a grotesque ogre.
Mr Dread is a headless head
And Mrs Abercrombie is a crazy zombie.
Mr Yoga is a grotesque ogre.
Mr Dread is a headless head
And Mrs Abercrombie is a crazy zombie.
Teachers! Teachers!
They’re the strangest creatures.
They’re the strangest creatures.
Look here - all the teachers are ugly monsters, but don't be afraid of them - they are not evil!
warty witch - ведьма с бородавками
bone-crunching giant - гигант со скрипящими костями
poisonous snake - ядовитая змея
wicked wizard - злой волшебник
gruesome ghoul - ужасный злой дух, который открывает могилы и ест мертвые тела
bony skeleton - костлявый скелет
hairy yeti - волосатый снежный человек
fire-breathing dragon - огнедышащий дракон
grisly spook - ужасное привидение
ginormous ape - огромная обезьяна
has fangs like Dracula - иметь клыки как у Дракулы
fearsome troll - ужасный тролль
bloodstained teeth - зубы в крови
grotesque ogre - ужасный людоед
Now watch a video about a funny school teacher and laugh!
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